K Dollar is a means of payment used at K11. Upon joining as KLUB 11 member & bind with K Dollar Program’s account, you can earn K Dollars and spend as instant cash at participating merchants.
Cumulative spending HK$250 = Up to 1 K Dollars
Cumulative spending HK$250 = Up to 1.5 K Dollars
Cumulative spending HK$250 = Up to 2 K Dollars

*The minimum spending amount is 10 K Dollars

#The QR code represents the amount of K Dollars you converted from K Points.
^The QR code is valid for 60 seconds. The K Points used to convert into K Dollar will be deducted from your account upon successful scanning of the QR code and is not refundable.

K Dollar is a means of payment used at K11 MUSEA, K11 Art Mall, K11 ARTUS, Rosewood Hong Kong, designated Chow Tai Fook stores, THE FOREST, FREE DUTY & etc. You can earn K Dollars with your eligible spending and spend as instant cash at over 700 participating merchants. Please visit K Dollar Program website (https://www.krewards.com) for more details
Please refer to ‘Brand’ in the next tab or directly from “K11 HK” Mobile App.
Simply follow the below steps:
i. Inform shop staff of Participating Merchant about the wish to use K dollars
ii. Login to member’s account via “K11 HK” Mobile App
iii. Select ‘K Dollar’ menu bar and convert K Points into K Dollars, and the system will generate a QR Code representing the spending amount of K Dollars
iv. Present the QR code to the shop staff of participating merchants to scan
v. After successful scanning, the spending amount of K Dollars will be deducted immediately
vi. After the transaction is completed, the transaction record of K Dollars can be checked in the account
The QR code will be expired every 60 seconds. Once the code is expired, member can re-generate the code. If the QR code is not scanned within 60 seconds, K Dollars will not be deducted.
K Dollars must be used at Participating Merchants right after converting from K Points. To use K Dollars, you must convert K Points into K Dollars via “K11 HK’ Mobile App before the points expired and spend immediately at Participating Merchants. If the K Points have expired, it means that you can no longer be able to convert K Points into K Dollars.
The QR code representing the converted K Dollars must be successfully scanned by Participating Partners and Merchants to complete the payment made by K Dollars. Therefore, K Dollars which are converted but the QR Code has not been scanned successfully will be automatically resumed.
No. K Dollars which QR code is successfully scanned at Participating Merchants are not reversible nor refundable.
Minimum 10 K Dollars must be used in every single transaction, while there is no maximum cap for now.
K Dollar is not transferable and cannot be converted into cash.
KLUB 11 Members can download/login to “K11 HK” Mobile App, and use the built-in tools to calculate the amount of K Dollars available.
Yes. Some of the KKA workshops accept using K Dollars to settle full or part of the enrollment fee.
On the basis of the ineligibility to earn K Points with K Dollars spending, you are not entitled to any rewards of Spend Stimulation Programme. Such rewards are based on net spending excluding spending settled by K Dollars or K11 physical / electronic gift vouchers.